Mistafog Condenser Pre-Cooling – CoilCool
Air Conditioner Condenser Pre-Cooling
That improves the Cooling Capacity on Warm Days
Due to the extreme heat loads being generated by this black glass building facing north, the air conditioning was unable to maintain the desired temperatures. The CoilCool pre-cooling system solved the problem by cooling the inlet air before it entered the condenser cooling coils.
Pre Coolng Cost saving Features:
Mistafog Condenser Pre-Cooling the air entering a chiller or condenser can cut as much as 30% off the running costs.
The objective is to evaporate the fog in front of the coils, leaving just cooled air to enter the coil unit.
Pre-cooling the incoming air flow will give improved results by:
- Increasing the cooling capacity of the outdoor unit
- Cooling demand is achieved at reduced fan speeds
- Avoiding the need to run at 100% capacity as often
- Head pressure reduced in extreme conditions
- Reduced compressor run times
As the conditions will vary, the condenser pre-cooling system will need to be configured to take account of air flow, wind, humidity and temperature at your location. Ideally, the air entering the coil unit should be under 26 degrees. The temperature on the roof of a commercial building can often be over 50 degrees.